With Salus Seguros, there is no need to register for a Client Area on their website or download a mobile phone app. All you need to do to find a doctor with Salus health insurance is search on their website for a doctor or specialist in your area.
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Follow the step-by-step guide

Localidad: Type the name of the town where you live. If you live in a small town then type the name of a larger town nearby. You can also leave this blank and just use the province search.
Provincia: Type in the name of the province in Spain where you live.
Especialidades: For a GP (doctor) select “Medicina General”
Nombre del Médico: If you know the name of the doctor you can search to see if they work with Salus Health Insurance. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Once you have completed the options click “buscar”.
Here are the results for Alicante province but I have moved the map and zoomed in a bit on a particular area.
Below the map on the website, you will see the list of doctors and contact phone numbers.

Having read about how to find a doctor with Salus health insurance you might be interested in a separate page about how to obtain authorisations. If you have visited a doctor or specialist and they suggest follow-up treatment then it may need authorising. Go to our web page How to get an authorisation with Salus health insurance.